Return to Chiang Mai
Before leaving Thailand and our family at Gethsemane Home, we let them know that this was not a permanent goodbye. Under the Son Ministries would continue to take care of them, and we would be back to visit. We also would focus on supporting Titus and his family in whatever way we could to help take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Northern Thailand.
With Donella’s job schedule, it became apparent that the best opportunity for us to return for a visit would be late December 2013 into the early part of January 2014. The purpose of this trip will be to check on recent projects that Under the Son has sponsored and to seek ways to help fund village outreach ministries in the future. We will also be celebrating Christmas with our family at Gethsemane while we are there.
In Matthew 9:37-38, Christ tells his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Under the Son Ministries is committed to Titus and his family as they work in the harvest fields in Northern Thailand.
Please pray for us as we plan for and make this return trip.
Help Pack Our Bags
On our return trip in December, we will be taking needed supplies for Gethsemane Home and Huay Pong. Dixie Davis will be accompanying us on this trip. We will be able to check 6 pieces of luggage. We’re hoping to have them full at 50 pounds each.
One thing we will be taking is jeans for all the boys. It is hard to find good jeans in the sizes we need in Thailand. We are also hoping to take school supplies for the children in Huay Pong.
We have a list, including clothing sizes, of items we are needing. If you, your church, or your organization would like to help, we would be glad to send the list to you. You can email us or call. Thank you for your help.
Ravenwood VBS
The theme for the Ravenwood Christian Church VBS this year was “God’s Big Backyard”. In God’s Big Backyard the children were shown ways to serve family, friends, neighbors, community, and Jesus. Each night Under the Son Ministries made connections with how the children at Gethsemane Home serve others in these same ways. We enjoyed teaching the younger children how to count and write to ten in Thai, while the older children made lanterns. All the children learned a song in Thai.
The money the children raised for missions was used to purchase a laptop computer and water filtration system for Gethsemane Home. The competition between classes created a lot of excitement. The classes that raised the most money enjoyed decorating Rick Clark, Chris Hoblitzel, and Steve Sherry as human ice cream sundaes. Thank you for making Under the Son a part of your VBS.
Thai IDs
In our June 2012 newsletter we shared with you that five of the children, all siblings, at Gethsemane Home did not have their Thai IDs. This form of identification shows that you are a citizen of Thailand and is needed for the children to be successful. A student cannot receive a high school diploma without it.
After many months of going through government channels without any success, we turned to the International Justice Mission (IJM) for help. Titus and Newa gave IJM all records they had on the children. They also were sent additional information from where the children were born in Ratchaburi Province to help verify that these children were legally in Thailand. IJM is still pursuing this need for the Gethsemane children. Titus and the children will have to return to Ratchaburi at some time to finalize this process. Please keep praying that this matter will be resolved soon.
Successful Fundraiser

We are so proud of these children. They spent a Saturday morning helping to raise money for Under the Son Ministries. Doughnuts and hot chocolate were available for early morning garage sale attendees. The children also sold handmade bags from Thailand and Beanie Babies. They raised $100 in a short time. Thank you to Thomas, Payton, Davin, Delton, and Nyah! The children at Gethsemane Home appreciate your kindness.
Love Spoken Without Words
“The miracle of friendship can be spoken without words.”
When I saw that quote, it reminded me of the friendship and love I share with the two grandmothers at Gethsemane Home. Each one of us speaks a different language, but we understand one another. Through body language and gestures, we have shared our love for each other. We have found that words do not matter. It is a true form of communication that has blessed me.
“You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.” Steve, Bobbi, and I have felt this way since returning to the U.S.
I am so excited to reconnect with both of them soon!
God Continues to Provide
There are months when we’re not sure how we’re going to provide for the ministry, and every month God continues to give us what we need. Why do we ever doubt him?
Recently we received a phone call from a Christian brother who said God had laid it on his heart to help pay for the land purchase at Gethsemane Home. That project has now been fully funded. Through recent church visits we have been able to install a gate at Gethsemane Home, make vehicle repairs, and renovate the church at Huay Pong. We also received an email a few weeks ago from a church outside the Northwest Missouri area who will begin supporting Under the Son Ministries on a monthly basis.
We are reminded daily that , “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19