March 2024

Long Awaited Celebration

In our March 2021 newsletter, we announced that it was “Simeon’s Turn,” and the process of building a new church at Na Khrai village began. Since that time, we hope you have followed the progress of the church as it was being built. Upon its completion, the members of the church wanted to wait until Steve and Donella arrived in Thailand for the dedication service.

Our first Sunday in Thailand was January 28th. On that day the Christians in Na Khrai were finally able to celebrate the dedication of the church. The dedication started outside the church with prayer. Then Steve and Donella cut the ribbon and opened the doors to welcome everyone to come into the church for worship. Over 100 people attended the service which included prayers, congregational singing, special songs, partaking in the Lord’s Supper, and reading from God’s Word.

Mission House

In our September newsletter, we stated that there would be a facility in Thailand dedicated to our dad. While there in January, we shared with Titus and Newa that we would be building a mission house on the property where Gethsemane Home is located. They were elated, and Titus showed us where he would like to place the house. In no time, he was beginning to clear the land for the new house. The layout for the house was then decided on. We also took time picking out doors, windows, roofing materials, paint colors, tiles, and some furnishings. They hope to begin construction in June. Watch our quarterly newsletters for updated progress.

The Flow Foundation

Last year during a visit to see our children in Seattle, we were asked by our son-in-law’s father if we had heard of The Flow Foundation. He told us he was a board member of the organization, and they placed an emphasis on disciple making. He suggested that we apply to The Flow Foundation to help with funding for our evangelists. We eagerly applied hoping to seek additional support for the four evangelists Under the Son Ministries already had on staff. Our application was approved, and in January Judah, Moses, Simeon, and Zacchaeus started receiving support from The Flow Foundation. One requirement that the Flow Foundation has is that we submit monthly reports on what these men are doing. These monthly reports have created a closer relationship between us and our staff. God is Good!

Elephant Parade

Samuel is Titus and Newa’s oldest son. He was sponsored by my dad from 2011 through his time in University. This trip we were able to visit where Samuel works. He is the warehouse supervisor at Elephant Parade. We think this is unique since that is the same job my dad had at Eveready in Maryville.

Elephant Parade is a company that produces elephant statues that are hand painted by artists in Chiang Mai. Samuel is in charge of exporting these elephants all over the world. The tour we took included a museum and watching the artists at work. We are so very proud of Samuel and know my dad would be too!

– Donella

Fundraising Events

Our fundraising season has begun. We were happy for the down time we had from late December through February. We are in the process now of selling décor items from our house and online. We will continue doing this through May. Check out our Wonderfully Made Facebook page for items we have for sale. We will be adding new posts on this page.

At this time, we are taking pre-orders for geraniums. These will be delivered to our house on May 8th. If you are wanting to order any, please contact us soon by calling 660-254-5775 or 660-254-8487. They are going quickly!

We will not be able to participate in the Spring Craft Fair this year at the Maryville Community Center, so our first Pop-up Shop will be during geranium delivery from May 8th through May 11th. Thank you for your continued support!